Gesshizu "Minna de Chokomaka Murazukuri" is a heartwarming simulation game in which players help "Gesshizu," a small group of friends living in a forest somewhere far, far away, work together to build an ideal village. The game is a heartwarming simulation game in which players work together to build an ideal village.
One day, a new friend named "Chinchilla" arrives in the Gesshizu forest, where everyone is taking it easy, and he gets his friends involved by saying, "Let's build a beautiful village together! and get his friends involved.
The player is in charge of instructing the Gesshizu who are working hard to build a village to make food and facilities such as fields and houses, and to work efficiently.
Condition : NEW
JAN: 4549767155043
Product Company : NIPPON COLUMBIA
Region : Free
Language: Japanese Only