This year marks the 20th anniversary of the first "Kingdom Hearts," an RPG adventure in the world of Disney, which was released in 2002. To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the "Kingdom Hearts" series, we will release a "KINGDOM HEARTS Tamagotchi" themed on the series.
The "KINGDOM HEARTS Tamagotchi" will be available in two colors: "20th Anniversary -Dark mode-" with a black base color, and "20th Anniversary -Light mode-" with a white base color, both inspired by the "KINGDOM HEARTS" series.
More than 20 characters can be developed, including the main character Sora, Donald, and Goofy. By training various characters, new characters will appear.
The game is packed with elements unique to "Kingdom Hearts," including the ability to feed Paopu no Mi and Sea Salt Ice, which appear in the "Kingdom Hearts" story, as well as mini-games inspired by the story's content.
In addition, at certain time intervals, memorable scenes from "Kingdom Hearts" can be viewed, and characters other than those in the "Kingdom Hearts" series can appear. Some of the scenes will differ depending on which character you are training.
The content of play is the same in all modes.
Set includes
KINGDOM HEARTS Tamagotchi main unit ... 1
Product size
H40mm x W30mm x D25mm each
Product Material
ABS, PC and SI for each
Age Range
6 years old and up
LR44 x 2 (included)
The batteries in the set are for testing purposes only.
Language :
*Japanese product. The language is in Japanese.