To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the "Digimon Frontier" anime broadcast in 2002, we are releasing "Dim Card Set EX3 Digimon Frontier SPIRIT LIGHT", a set of Dim cards containing the evolution routes of Wolfmon, Blitzmon and Louwemon.
When KaiserGreymon, grown with Agnimon Dim cards included in "SPIRIT FLAME" and Magnagarurumon, grown with Wolfmon Dim cards included in "SPIRIT LIGHT", are joggled, they will become the ultimate form, Susanoomon.
The product is also linked to the dedicated "Digital Monster Vital Bracelet Lab" application, which allows users to obtain a "Storage Capsule" and "Evolution Timer" by loading this product into a vital bracelet.
*Four "Storage Capsules" and four "Evolution Timer" will be awarded in the app for each eligible Dim Card.
*The items will be granted only once per user. Items cannot be obtained by purchasing multiple copies of the same Dim Card.
Set Contents
Wolfmon Dim card ... 1
Blitzmon Dim card ... 1
Louwemon Dim card ... 1
Product size
H54mm x W86mm x D5mm
Product Material
8 years old and up
Premium Bandai